Changes an existing PCB part model to an assembly so that
additional subparts can be allocated to it.
----(SDPCB_EXPAND_MODEL)--(:MODEL)--|model name|---->
- :MODEL - specifies the name of the model to be expanded.
SDPCB_BLOCK_MODEL terminate action
SDPCB_CAN_MODEL terminate action
SDPCB_CYLINDER_MODEL terminate action
SDPCB_DIP_MODEL terminate action
SDPCB_EDIT_MODEL terminate action
SDPCB_EXPAND_PART terminate action
SDPCB_EXTRUDE_MODEL terminate action
SDPCB_GENERIC_MODEL terminate action
SDPCB_LOAD_MODEL terminate action
SDPCB-SAVE-MODEL terminate action
SDPCB_SOT_MODEL terminate action
SDPCB_SUBSTITUTE_MODEL terminate action (IDF only)