About Explode Lines
Explode lines indicate assembly paths between parts in an exploded view. Explode lines move with the parts they reference. When you move parts in the figure, their linked explode lines move, maintaining their positions relative to the parts. You can define their start points, intermediate points and end points as well as the path and direction they take. Multiple explode lines can be associated with a single part.
To change the routing of an explode line, you can drag its start point (indicated by a green circle) or its end point (indicated by blue square). You can also disconnect it from one feature on a part and connect it to a feature on a different part.
Explode line appearance properties, such as color, weight, and end styles, can be set individually in the Explode Lines ribbon, Explode Linesdialog box, or as defaults for new figures in the Creo Illustrate Options dialog box.
You can perform the following operations on explode lines that you add to a figure:
• Edit
• Move
• Delete
• Hide or unhide
• Insert an intermediate point
• Set or change the reference for the start point or end point
• Zoom in and center it in the figure window
Explode lines you insert in the figure appear in the upper data panel
View Content list. Selecting an explode line in the figure window or
View Content list selects it in both places.
Any explode lines you insert in a figure are saved along with that figure in the illustration C3DI file.