To Modify the Appearance of an Explode Line
1. In the graphics area, or in the
View Content pane of the upper data panel, select one or more explode lines to modify.
2. Right-click and select Edit Properties. The Explode Lines dialog box opens and the Explode Lines ribbon appears. You can use either to make modifications.
3. Set the path and axis order for explode lines.
◦ Path—Sets the coordinate system for the explode line paths:
▪ Direct
▪ Global CSYS
▪ Part’s CSYS
▪ Select
◦ Axis order—Specifies the direction of the explode line takes as XYZ, ZYX, YXZ, XZY, ZXY,YZX.
4. Define the line style for explode lines.
◦ Color—Opens the Choose Color dialog box from which you can select the color for the explode lines.
◦ Weight—Sets weight for explode lines in physical units.
◦ Style—Select from the line style list or define a new line style.
To define a new line style, perform the following procedure:
1. Select Edit Line Styles. The General-Line Styles page opens.
5. Define the arrow type and extension.
◦ Start—For Arrow, sets the type for the start of the arrow and for Extension, specifies the distance the start of the arrow is extended.
◦ End—For Arrow, sets the type for the end of the arrow and for Extension, specifies the distance the end of the arrow is extended.
6. Hidden Lines—Turns off or turns on the appearance of explode lines when the explode lines run behind or through other objects in the view.
7. Halo—Turns off or turns on the appearance of halos on explode lines. When the Halo check box is selected, additional options appear to specify the weight, opacity and color of the halos.
8. Click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog box.