Creo Options Modeler > References > Fundamentals > Creo Parametric User Interface > The Analysis Tab > Measuring Geometry > Measuring Entities > Using Specific Measurement Types > Distance > About Measuring Distance
About Measuring Distance
You can measure the distance only between two reference entities. For each entity, you can set an option to use the entity differently. You can also measure the maximum distance from the point on one entity to the point on the other entity that is the greatest distance away.
The following entities can be used as references for measuring distance:
Datum point
Coordinate system
Edge or curve, edge location, or curve location
Scan point
Scan curve or scan curve location
Curve feature
Facet vertex
Facet edge
Face location
Pipe segment (in assembly mode)
Segment (in assembly mode)
Part (in assembly mode)
Component (in assembly mode)