To call the calculator, click Analysis and then, in the Utilities group, click (Calculator). Depending on the option selected in the System Settings dialog box (click File > Settings > System), Creo Elements/Direct Modeling displays either a standard calculator (the default) or an RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator.
The calculator provides the ability to measure 3D and 2D geometry and to do a variety of math calculations using these measurements or other user-defined figures. Numerical values can be cut and pasted to/from other Creo Elements/Direct Modeling commands to save retyping.
The stack of registers starts with x at the bottom and goes up through y, z and finally to the t register. Each register (colored dark blue) contains a single numeric value.
The calculator:
• Measures distances, radii, angles and other 2D and 3D properties using a variety of measurement options. Results of the measurement are displayed and saved as numeric values in the calculator menu for further operations.
• Converts between inch and metric values.
• Provides both basic (add, subtract, multiply, divide) and advanced math functions (trigonometric, logarithmic, etc).
• Stores and recalls numeric values.
• Allows calculated values to be used as input for other Creo Elements/Direct Modeling commands. These can be scalar or 2D or 3D vector values.
• Accepts input values from the keyboard or the graphical number pad of the calculator menu.
• Provides the ability to manipulate the numeric stack. This includes: rolling the stack up and down, switching X and Y values, clearing the X value or the entire stack, and editing the numbers in the stack.
How to use the calculator
• Move your cursor to any of the cells and type numbers to enter, or modify, the value that is displayed in the cell. The light blue x,y,z and t buttons on the left put the register value into other Creo Elements/Direct Modeling commands. The xy and xyz buttons on the right put 2D (x,y) or 3D (x,y,z) vector values into other Creo Elements/Direct Modeling commands.
• Use the light blue mm->in and in->mm keys to convert the X register value to the desired unit.
• Use the blue number tablet (keys 0-9) to enter new values for calculation.
• Use the green Sto Rcl key with any of the blue number keys (0-9) to store and recall the value of the X register.
• Use the green R keys to scroll the numeric stack up or down.
• Use the green X<>Y key to switch the contents of the X and Y registers.
• Use the red Clx key to clear just the X register, the red Cl key to clear all of the registers, or the red <- key to delete the last digit from the X register.
• Use the yellow Enter key to save the register contents.
• Use the dark blue + - * / keys for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
• Use the scroll bar to see the additional math functions. There are several groups of additional math functions:
◦ Dark Blue (measure) - shown by default
◦ Yellow (trigonometry)
◦ Green (logarithm)
◦ Light Blue (polar/rectangular conversion and others)
The calculator does not measure infinite construction geometry.