1. Click Analysis and then, in the Analyse group, click Draft. The Draft Analysis dialog box opens.
2. Specify the Part or Faces over which the analysis is to be performed. You can select a part, a single face, or use the Select tool and make a list of faces (on the same part).
A preview of the selected faces is displayed.
3. Enter the draft angle in the Angle data entry field.
4. Click Direction and specify the draft direction with the Direction 3D tool.
5. Select the desired color distribution from the Color-Code cascade list.
6. Click Start to perform the analysis.
The selected faces are displayed using the analysis colors, and the Draft angle contour map appears in the viewport.
7. When you are analyzing a part, click Silhouettes on to draw the silhouette line on the part with respect to the draft direction.
8. Click Show Critical to highlight the critical faces on the selected part or faces.
9. Click Separate to show only the angle separation colors on the part (one color each for positive, zero, and negative angles).
10. Click Keep Result on to imprint the silhouette line on the part, and to keep the separation colors as face colors.
11. Continue to adjust analysis parameters (and click Start to process them), or click to finish the draft analysis.
The following options are available to help you control the draft analysis:
• Part or Faces - You can specify a part, a face, or a selection of faces to analyze.
• Angle - The draft angle, measured with respect to the draft direction.
• Direction - The direction of the draft angle, specified with the Direction 3D tool.
• Color-Code - The color distribution used in the graphical display of the analysis. The first color depicts the most positive angles, the middle color represents angles close to 0, and the last color indicates negative angles.
• Silhouettes - Draws a type of "parting line" on the part at the silhouette of the part with respect to the draft direction. You can imprint this line with the Keep Result option (see below). Note that this option applies only to parts, not selected faces.
• Start - Clicking this performs the draft analysis. Click Start again after you change a draft parameter or the color-coding.
• Show Critical - Highlights the critical faces on the part or selected faces in the middle color.
• Separate - Displays the draft analysis with a color separation along the silhouette line drawn with the Silhouettes option. No color gradients are used for this display: Positive angles are all drawn in the first color, angles at 0 in the middle color, and negative angles in the last color.
• Keep Result - Imprints on the part the silhouette line drawn with the Silhouettes option. It also keeps the Separate analysis colors (not the distributed analysis colors) as face colors.
The appearance of the Draft analysis contour map in the viewport is controlled by a number of parameters. You can change these settings in the Contour Map menu accessed from the Viewport menu.