Key Features of ThingWorx Converge
The main features of ThingWorx Converge include:
Standard Ontology
An ontology is a set of concepts that are specified in some way (such as specific natural language) to create an agreed-upon vocabulary for exchanging information. The ThingWorx Converge ontology facilitates the creation of applications and integrations that solve business problems.
The ThingWorx Converge ontology contains characteristics and capabilities (ThingShapes) that can be used to model resources (for example, Customer or Asset). A particular resource is then described by the relevant capabilities (for example, a customer can be described as Addresable, Contactable, Locatable, Owning).
The following are some capabilities and characteristics that form the foundation of the core ontology:
  • Addressable—Capable of being addressed (has a postal address)
  • Alertable—Capable of being alerted to an event.
  • Billable—Capable of generating billing information.
  • BlogAssociable—Capable of being associated with a blog.
  • Contactable —Capable of being contacted (for example, by post, email, or phone)
  • Contacting—Capable of contacting a Contactable entity.
  • ImageAssociable—Capable of being associated with a digital image or an avatar.
  • Labelable—Capable of being labeled with a human-readable name.
  • Locatable—Capable of being geographically located (that is, having GPS coordinates).
  • ModelNumbered—Capable of having a model number.
  • Operatable—Capable of being operated by an operator.
  • Operating—Capable of operating Operatable entities (that is, being an operator).
  • Ownable—Capable of being associated with an owner.
  • Owning—Capable of owning one or more Ownables.
  • SerialNumbered—Capable of having a serial number.
  • Shippable—Capable of being shipped to a shipping address.
The ThingWorx Converge ontology can be extended by customers and the ecosystem.
Resource Manager
The Resource Manager provides the application interface for interacting with Resource Providers that communicate with external systems to apply a query, action, or service against its resources. Resource Providers implement the following services: Get, Create, Update, and Delete.
The next diagram shows the Resource Manager and Resource Providers as part of the ThingWorx Converge architecture.
Software Development Kit (SDK)
ThingWorx Converge includes an application and integration software development kit that provides a consistent framework and instructions for application developers, system integrators, and technology providers to develop applications and utilities on top of ThingWorx Converge.
The SDK includes prebuilt components for defining ThingWorx Converge connectors, resource providers, and additional ontology through data properties, services, events, and subscriptions. These components can be used in the utilities provided by ThingWorx Converge and also when creating new mashups.
Remote Access and Control
Remote Service and Control supports monitoring and secure access of connected assets. These capabilities provide the following functions:
  • Device administration
  • Problem solving
  • Software updates
  • Configuration
With Remote Service and Control, you can display asset dashboards with status and device information “at a glance”, search and filter assets, and view charts of current and historic data.
Software Content Management
Software Content Management provides the tools to distribute and remotely install software updates to multiple devices. These capabilities allow you to:
  • Define the transfer and installation sequences
  • Schedule content for deployment
  • Track and record the distribution status
  • Ensure user and data security
  • Support configuration-based deployments
  • Remotely retrieve logs and configuration files
  • Upload and view files
  • Provide access to APIs
Single Sign-on Environment
ThingWorx Converge uses a single sing-on technology that allows users to enter their credentials once. These credentials are then used to authenticate users throughout the ThingWorx Converge environment and its connections.
ThingWorx Converge single sign-on is based on the OAuth open standard for authorization that allows users to be authenticated using third-party identity providers such as Salesforce, Facebook, or Twitter.
When a user is logged in to ThingWorx Converge, the name of the user appears in the top-right corner of the screen. To log out, the user clicks Logout.
PTC Cloud Services
ThingWorx Converge is deployed using PTC Cloud Services.
PTC Cloud Services ensure the following:
  • Rapid deployment
  • Faster time to add value with new solutions
  • Secure hosting
  • Expert application management
  • Reduced implementation, management risk, and IT burden
  • Predictable operational expense
  • Continuous delivery of new ThingWorx Converge builds to PTC Cloud Services deployments