
Task 1. Create a new assembly


  1. Start Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 Tryout Edition if necessary.

  2. If Pro/ENGINEER is already running ensure all windows are closed, and all items from the previous exercise are erased from memory.

  3. In the Navigator Folder Browser , browse to the following folder C:\HANDS-ON_WF3\ASSEMBLY_TUTORIAL.

  4. Right-click the ASSEMBLY_TUTORIAL folder and select Set Working Directory. 

  5. Click New from the main toolbar.

  6. In the New dialog box, select Assembly radio button and type EXAMPLE.

  7. Click OK from the dialog box.


    Default templates are used when a new part or assembly is created.  The default template is an initial design model that contains default features, layers, views, parameters and units.

  8. The new assembly will show three default planes to work from, a default coordinate system showing the assemblies 0,0,0 location, and a spin center for the model.