Prediction FIDES Process Grade File Overview
All FIDES models use a Pi process grade factor in their reliability calculations. Because the Pi process factor is based on your answers for various manufacturing processes or conditions, you must answer a set of questions for each option for Section. For example, the figure below shows the Design question set for the 2009 model. Because the Prediction FIDES Process Grade files for FIDES 2009 models and the FIDES 2004 model differ slightly, FIDES process grade version specifies the version to display. For more information, see FIDES Process Grade File Versions.
Design Question Set for FIDES 2009 Model
When a FIDES model is selected for the top-most assembly, you can enable a Prediction FIDES Process Grade file at the assembly level.
If you select a Prediction FIDES Process Grade file for the top-most assembly, it is inherited by all lower-level assemblies. You then need only to specify override selections for these assemblies.
If a Prediction FIDES Process Grade file is not inherited or specified for an assembly, a default value of 4 is used as its Pi process grade factor. This value represents average manufacturing processes or conditions. The Pi process grade value calculated for a Prediction FIDES Process Grade file that you create can vary from 1.000 (best process) to 8.000 (worst process).
Because using the default Pi process grade value can degrade the accuracy of your prediction results, creating and using custom Prediction FIDES Process Grade files is highly recommended. The following table describes the two panes in the Prediction FIDES Process Grade file.
FIDES Process Grade
Displays process grade scoring information and question sets for the manufacturing processes or conditions to score. In the upper right corner, FIDES process grade version specifies the version of the Prediction FIDES Process Grade file to display. In the upper left corner, Section specifies the question set to display. In the table below, you indicate compliance levels in the Answer column. As you indicate compliance levels, the display-only scoring information above the table is updated. For more information, see:
FIDES Process Grade Details
Displays assessment information for the question selected in the FIDES Process Grade pane, including the meaning for each compliance level.
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