FIDES Process Grade Question Sets
In the Prediction FIDES Process Grade file, the FIDES Process Grade pane displays scoring information and the question set for to score. Your selection for Section in the upper left corner determines which question set is shown. The following table describes the columns present. You can specify data for questions only in the Answer column.
Reference Number
The unique number assigned to the question to distinguish it from all other questions.
The condition that an audit of the product or process evaluates. For the currently selected question, the FIDES Process Grades Detail pane displays detailed assessment information and descriptions for compliance levels. Your objective is to specify the appropriate compliance level for Answer.
The activities that substantiate that the condition being evaluated by the question is met.
The specific weight assigned to the recommendation. The range is between 2.8 and 27.1. A low number indicates that the question has a weak effect on reliability, and a high number indicates that the recommendation has a strong effect on reliability. The weights used are those specified for the recommendation in the standard, FIDES Guide 2004 Issue A, Reliability Methodology for Electronic Systems.
The compliance level to assign based on proof provided by a the audit. Choices are Level 1 through Level 4. Descriptions of the compliance level for the currently selected question are shown in the FIDES Process Grades Detail pane. Listed below are the numeric values assigned to compliance levels:
For Level 1, the value is 0. This means that the recommendation is not applied, and reliability hazards are very likely.
For Level 2, the value is 1. This means that the recommendation is on; partly applied, and reliability hazards are possible.
For Level 3, the value is 2. This means that the recommendation is almost fully applied, and reliability hazards are possible but unlikely.
For Level 4, the value is 3. This means that the recommendation is fully applied, and reliability hazards are very unlikely.
Raw Points
The value obtained by multiplying the Weight value by the value assigned to the compliance level you have chosen for Answer. For example, if 10.7 is the Weight value and you have chosen Level 3 for Answer, the Raw Points value is 21.4 (10.7 * 3).
Weighted Points
The value obtained by multiplying the Raw Points value by the display-only value for Section scale factor above the table. The purpose of the scale factor is to neutralize questions that are not applicable to the product or process being evaluated. Comprehensive information about how the scale factor is calculated appears in the “Calibration” topic in the FIDES standards. Calculations are complex because the scaling factor for any one section changes based not only on what questions you answer and how you answer in this section but also how and what you do in all sections.
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