The font for the text.
The point size for the text.
Indicates whether the text is to appear in bold type. When this checkbox is cleared (default), the text is in regular type. When it is selected, the text is in bold type.
Indicates whether the text is to appear in italic type. When this checkbox is cleared (default), the text is not italicized. When it is selected, the text is italicized.
Keep sized to text
Indicates if the block is to expand horizontally to display all of the text. When this checkbox is cleared (default), the block does not expand, and the text is truncated, showing only that which fits within the block. When this checkbox is selected, the block does expand so that all of the text is shown.
Horizontal alignment
Provides buttons for selecting right, center, or left for the horizontal alignment.
Vertical alignment
Provides buttons for selecting top, center, or bottom for the vertical alignment.