Inserting a Defaults Record
You can insert any number of records in a Project’s Prediction Defaults file.
1. If the Prediction Defaults is not already open, then open it. You can open this file in the same way as any other file.
2. In the last table row in the Parts List pane, click < Click here to insert a new record >.
The Add Defaults Records window opens. For more information, see Add Defaults Record Window.
3. Complete this window and click OK.
4. In the Prediction Data pane, specify the custom values to use when this part’s parameters are left blank or display # signs in the System file.
5. In the other part-related panes, specify default values for the part. For a list of fields that are always unavailable in these panes, see Unavailable Parts Prediction Fields.
6. For each record to insert, repeat steps 2 through 5.
7. When finished, close the file.
In the Parts List pane, you can only modify data in the Reference Designator column. All other columns are display-only. You can delete a table record in this pane in the same manner as you delete a table record in the System file.