FRACAS Incidents Table
The FRACAS Incidents table serves as the repository for all incidents gathered for your system, product, or service. All failures related to components and processes in the development and delivery of a product or service are captured in incident records.
The FRACAS Incidents table supports 15 subtables. By default, incidents that have been addressed and closed appear in black, and incidents that remain open appear in red. In the Options window, FRACAS > Incident Color-Closed and FRACAS > Incident Color-Open specify the colors that you want to use for closed and open incidents. For more information, see FRACAS User Options.
When the Problems table is turned on and the Filter by Problem Selection filter for the FRACAS Incidents table is also turned on (default), the problem that you select in the Problems table determines which incidents are shown in the FRACAS Incidents table. This filter is mutually exclusive of the other Filter by filters for the FRACAS Incidents table. Filter by filters provide for displaying incidents by system tree item, branch, or configuration selection. When the Problems table is turned off, the FRACAS Incidents table is filtered by the system tree item selection by default.
If more than one system tree configuration exists in the System file, you assign incidents to the assemblies and parts in each configuration. To quickly specify different record selection criteria without leaving the FRACAS Incidents table, you can use the Filter by commands on the Filter menu. For more information, see ‘Filter by’ Commands.