ALT Plot Options
In the ALT Plot Options pane, Number of plots indicates the quantity of plots to generate and display in the ALT Plot pane. Your selection of either Single or Multiple controls the other options that are shown. While attempts are made to redraw plots when you make changes in this pane, changing Number of plots to Single or changing Vary plots by to Plot Type requires that the data set be recalculated.
The following topics describe the options for single and multiple plot generation for these data set types:
For an accelerated degradation data set, the ALT Plot Options pane provides checkboxes for selecting the groups to include in the Degradation vs Time plot, which is always shown in the ALT Plot pane. For more information, see ALT Plot Options for an Accelerated Degradation Data Set.
When working with ALT data sets, you can insert special data sets under the top-level Multiple Data Set Plots folder to simultaneously plot results for selected data sets on a single graph. For more information, see Multiple Data Set Plots for ALT Analysis.