General User Options
The following table describes the options that appear under General in the Options window.
Allow Project Navigator to browse Team files
Indicates whether a command for browsing Team files is to appear in the Project Navigator in the desktop application. When this checkbox is cleared (default), no command is shown. When it is selected, Show Team Projects is shown in the Navigator Tasks pane of the Project Navigator. Clicking it displays the Team Projects that you have created in the My Windchill Risk and Reliability Files folder in your local Documents folder. Once Team Projects are shown, Show Team Projects changes to Show Enterprise Projects so that you can then click it to display the Enterprise Projects in your Windchill Risk and Reliability database.
Audit Trail archive interval
The interval of time between the creation of Audit Trail files. Choices are Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, and Weekly. The default is Monthly.
Auto add list items
Indicates whether to open the Add List Item window when a new item is inserted in a list. When this checkbox is cleared (default), this window opens so that you can supply additional data about the list item to store in the List Library file. When it is selected, the item is immediately added to the list if at least read/write permissions are granted for Library files. In this case, List Library files should be periodically reviewed and missing data for these inserted items.
Blocked attachment file types
Specifies types of files that cannot be uploaded to or downloaded from the server as attachments. A colon is used to separate entries. For example, to block both executable files and compressed ZIP files, you would enter:
Changes to this option are detected at the interval specified for Support file data timeout below, which is when support file data is refreshed. Restarting Windchill Risk and Reliability services also causes changes to this option to be detected. If you block a file type that was once permitted, you can no longer download and open it. If you attempt to open a blocked file type, a window opens, displaying an error message that explains that you cannot open blocked file types.
Default ThingWorx group
Specifies the group to which to add ThingWorx users who are not found in Windchill Risk and Reliability by the ThingWorx Converge single sign-on technology. This option applies only to using ThingWorx with the Windchill Risk and Reliability Extension. For more information, see Appendix A in the Windchill Risk and Reliability Extension for ThingWorx Guide. You can download this guide from the Reference Documents area on the PTC website. It is listed under both the ThingWorx and Windchill Risk and Reliability Enterprise Edition product lines.
Enable single sign-on
Indicates whether users loaded from Microsoft Active Directory (AD) servers are automatically logged in to Windchill Risk and Reliability applications. When this checkbox is cleared (default), users loaded from AD servers must log in to an application upon starting it. When this checkbox is selected, users loaded from AD servers need only to log into a domain account once, with one password. The sign-on security information stored by the AD server is then used for authentication and automatic login throughout this session.
Lock user account after X successive login failures
Specifies whether users who enter invalid user names and passwords should be locked out of applications after so many failed login attempts. Choices are:
Disable. When selected (default), automatic lockout does not occur.
Unsuccessful Attempts: When selected, the user is locked out if login attempts fail three consecutive times.
Unsuccessful Attempts: When selected, the user is locked out if login attempts fail four consecutive times.
Unsuccessful Attempts: When selected, the user is locked out if login attempts fail five consecutive times.
A system administrator can reset locked user accounts from the Users area.
Password expiration time (days)
The time period for which a password is valid. When Passwords expire is selected, users are required to change their passwords after the passage of the number of days specified. The default is 30. If a user’s password expires, this user is unable to log in. You must set a new password and relay it to the user before he or she can log in again. For more information, see Setting a User Account Password.
Passwords expire
When selected, user account passwords expire after the number of days entered for the previous option.
This option and the previous option apply only to users inserted in the Administrator application. They do not apply to users loaded from LDAP servers. For more information, see Specifying Password Expiration Settings.
Re-enable locked user account after X minutes
The number of minutes that must pass before a lock placed on a user account is removed. The default is 0. This means that locked accounts are not unlocked after a certain time period. A system administrator must manually unlock the account from the Users area. If you enter a number greater than 0 for this option, the account is unlocked after the number of specified minutes occurs and the user supplies a valid user name and password on the next login attempt.
User accounts assigned to the Administrators groups are unlocked after 30 minutes, regardless of this setting.
Select modules to license during login
Indicates whether users must select the modules they want to license each time they log in to the desktop application. By not activating a license for a module that you do not intend to use, you leave the license available to other users. When this checkbox is cleared (default), all available modules are licensed automatically. When this checkbox is selected, each time a user logs in to the desktop application, the user must select the modules to license for this session. Only modules that the user is permitted to license are shown. For example, if the user logs in as a member of a group that is not permitted to license the Windchill FRACAS module, then it is not shown. If only one module is licensed, then the user is not prompted for a selection.
Service language
The language to use for all Windchill Risk and Reliability services, which include the Object Broker and Long Running Task. The default is the initial language selection made during installation. If you change the language here, services must be restarted on the application server, which is the computer on which the desktop application is installed. You can do this manually from the application server while users are running Windchill Risk and Reliability applications, or you can restart the desktop application itself. You must start the Long Running Task service before any of the other services.
Support file data timeout
The number of minutes before support file data is refreshed. The default is 60. This means that data is refreshed every 60 minutes so that any changes made by other users are reflected in the file.
Users & groups cache timeout
The number of minutes before user and group data is refreshed. The refresh includes all data associated with LDAP users and groups.
Web server address
The address of the server that hosts Windchill Risk and Reliability and IIS (Internet Information Services). The format for this address is http://machine_name, where machine_name is the name of the computer where the IIS is installed.
For more information about the files or windows that these options affect, see the help or guide for the desktop application of Windchill Risk and Reliability. You can download the latest copy of the guide from the Reference Documents area on the PTC website.
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