Authentication for Windchill Risk and Reliability REST Services
Users can login into Windchill Risk and Reliability REST Services using two methods:
Authentication using the Windchill Risk and Reliability username, group name, and password
A user can login into Windchill Risk and Reliability REST Services using the Windchill Risk and Reliability username and password.
Additionally, the user can also use the group name to login into a specific group by adding the groupname parameter in the request headers.
Authentication using the Session Token
You can use a session token to log into Windchill Risk and Reliability instead of username and password.
You can make a session token request with an expiration date specified in the request URL. If an expiration date is not requested, the session token is valid forever.
Function to Get the Value of Session Token
To get the value of the session token, use the function CreateSessionToken() in the URL:
The token is returned in a Java Script Object Notation, JSON response. For example:
"@odata.context": http://localhost:8045/odata/Administration/$metadata#Edm.String,
"value": "PFNlc3Npb25Ub2tlbkRhdGEgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWFzLmRhdGFjb250cmFjdC5vcmcvMjAwNC8wNy9SZWxleC5CdXNpbmVzc09iamVjdHMiIHhtbG5zOmk9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDEvWE1MU2NoZW1hLWluc3RhbmNlIj48QT5meEhmRzRvPTwvQT48Qj5Da1R3RS8wdHEwQlg8L0I+PEM+ZnhIZkc0cC9sbEV1K1JmeHRLcz08L0M+PEQ+RDBmdEYrYzFzVlpDcGkvd3orTlBNMnVwT05rNWh3PT08L0Q+PC9TZXNzaW9uVG9rZW5EYXRhPg=="