OData Prefer Headers
OData allows clients to requestservice behavior by specifying Prefer header in requests. In some cases, the service may not apply the preference specified by the client. However, the service indicates the response that was applied in its response. OData supports many Prefer header values.
Preferences return=representation and return=minimal
The return=representation and return=minimal preferences allow clients to decide if the response should contain modified content. If neither preference is specified, then the default preference return=representation is used. Only POST and PATCH are supported for this preference.
return=representation—Returns the modified content in the body of the response, as well as the appropriate HTTP status code.
return=minimal—Does not return the modified content in the body of the response, only the appropriate HTTP status code.
Preferences omit-values=nulls
When you enable omit-values=nulls preference, only property with values other than null are returned.