Inserting a Data Set Folder
When analyzing many different data sets, you might want to insert data set folders to make managing them easier. Within a top-level folder in the LDA Navigator, you can insert any number of child folders. Under each folder, you can insert sibling and child folders. When you insert a data set, it inherits the parameter values assigned to its parent folder.
1. Click in the LDA Navigator to activate it.
2. Under Analysis type, select the type of folder to insert.
3. Under Data sets, right-click the row under which to insert a folder and select one of the following commands:
Select Insert Sibling Folder to insert the folder at the same level in the hierarchy as the selected folder. This command is unavailable when the row for a top-level folder is selected.
Select Insert Child Folder to insert the folder at the next lower level in the hierarchy than the selected folder. This command is available when the row for any folder is selected.
You can also insert sibling and child folders using commands on the Insert menu. Once you make your selection, a new folder is inserted and given the default name for that analysis type. For example, for a folder inserted under the Life Data top-level folder, the default name is LDA Data Set Folder. If a folder with this name already exists, the default name is followed by (X), where (X) is the next available numeric value.
You can rename the folder, perhaps assigning it a name that reflects the critical parameters that its child folders and data sets are to inherit.
4. In the panes provided for parameter, supply the default values to inherit. For more information about Weibull and ALT analysis types, see:
5. Under the folder, insert the necessary data sets. For more information, see Inserting a Data Set