Repair Team Properties
When a repair team is selected in the Repair Resources window, the Resource Data window displays a table in which to specify the technician types for this team. Clicking < Click here to insert a new record > in the last table row inserts a technician type. The following table describes the columns shown when a repair team is selected. The columns displaying pay rate and call-up cost values are display-only. This data is entered in the Resource Data window for the technician type.
The primary technician type that is needed on the team. You can select any technician type that has been inserted in the Repair Resources window. The primary technicians on a team are generally onsite. However, a primary technician can be an offsite technician or independent contractor who is called in to perform a specialized repair task.
The number of these technician types required on the team.
Pay Rate
The average hourly rate for this technician type.
Call-up Cost
The average cost associated with calling up this technician type to perform the maintenance.
Alt Resource
An alternative technician type that can be used if the primary technician type is unavailable. You can select any technician type that has been inserted in the Repair Resources window and not selected as the primary technician type. The alternative technician type is often an offsite technician or independent contractor who is called it to perform a repair task in the event that the primary technician type is unavailable. An alternative technician can also be an onsite technician with a higher-level or lower-level skill set.
Alt Pay Rate
The average hourly rate for the alternative technician type. Although the pay rate and call-up cost for the alternative technician type are typically higher than those for the primary technician type, this is not required to be the case.
Alt Call-up Cost
The average costs associated with calling up the alternative technician type to perform the maintenance.