Repair Resource Optimization Parameters window
The Repair Resource Optimization Parameters window provides for indicating whether you want to calculate optimal repair resource quantities and then use these values the next time that you run RBD calculations. The Repair Resource Optimization Parameters window lists all repair resources inserted in the Project’s RBD Repair Resource file. For more information, see RBD Repair Resources Files.
The following table describes the columns in the Repair Resource Optimization Parameters window. Availability depends on whether Optimize is cleared or selected. For more information, see Specifying Repair Resource Optimization Parameters.
Repair Resource
The name assigned to the repair resource in the RBD Repair Resource file. This parameter is display-only.
Indicates whether to compute the optimal quantity of the repair resource to have on hand when RBD calculations are next run.
When this checkbox is cleared (default), the optimal quantity is not calculated. In this case, Minimum and Maximum are unavailable, and Use Optimized Result is available only if a valid value already appears for Optimized Result from a previous optimization calculation.
When this checkbox is selected, the optimal quantity is calculated based on the values specified for Minimum and Maximum, which are made available. In this case, Use Optimized Result is selected but unavailable.
The minimum value that should be considered for the quantity during optimization. The default is 0. This property cannot be blank. The value that you enter must be 0 or greater, and it must be less than the value that you enter for the maximum.
The maximum value that should be considered for the quantity during optimization. The default is #, which means infinite or no upper bound. The value that you enter must be greater than or equal to the value that you enter for the minimum.
Optimized Result
Displays the result from the last optimization calculation that was performed. This property is display-only. If NA (for Not Applicable) is shown, the optimal quantity has not yet been calculated.
Use Optimized Result
Indicates whether or not to use the optimal quantity for the repair resource when RBD calculations are next run. This checkbox is available when Optimize is cleared and the value for Optimized Result is either not NA or is greater than 0. In this case, you can select the checkbox to use the existing optimal quantity value. This checkbox is selected and unavailable if Optimize is selected. In this case, an optimal quantity is to be calculated based on the currently specified parameter values and then this value is to be used in RBD calculations.
At the bottom of the Repair Resource Optimization Parameters window are Excel and Print buttons, which you can use to save table results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or to print them to a printer. For more information, see Excel and Print Buttons.