RBD Spares File Overview
The RBD Spares file stores the spares pools that you can assign to the components in your system. In the RBD Spares file, you can define a spares pool for each System file block. Or, if some of these blocks are to share spares, you can define a spares pool that you then assign to multiple blocks. Once you define a spares pool in the RBD Spares file, you can assign it to a block on the Spares page in its Calculation Properties window. For more information, see Spares Page.
The RBD Spares file has several panes in which to insert a spares pool and specify the information associated with this collection of spare components. The following table describes these panes.
Spares Pools
Displays a table listing the spares pools inserted in the RBD Spares file. For more information, see Spares Pools Pane.
Specifies general information about the spares pool selected in the Spares Pools pane. For more information, see General Pane.
Specifies information about replenishing spares and obtaining emergency spares for the spares pool selected in the Spares Pools pane. For more information, see Replenishment Pane.
Specifies failure properties for the spares in the spares pool selected in the Spares Pools pane. For more information, see Failure Pane.
Repair Shop
Specifies repair properties for a failed unit sent to the repair shop for repairs. For more information, see Repair Shop Pane.
Maintenance Tasks
Specifies the maintenance tasks for the spares in the spares pool. For more information, see Maintenance Pane.
Both importing to and exporting from this file are supported. For more information, see Importing and Exporting.