Ruggedized Factor Questions
In the Prediction FIDES Ruggedized Factor file, the table lists questions that you must answer specific to the assembly or part for which you are to enable this file. As you indicate levels in the Answer column for these questions, the display-only values for Pi Ruggedized and Ruggedized Grade above the table are updated. The following table describes all of the columns in the question set.
Question Number
The unique number assigned to the question to distinguish it from all other questions.
The particular traits or activities to evaluate.
The specific weight assigned to the recommendation. The range is between 3 and 7. A low number indicates that the criteria has a weak effect on the Pi Process value, and a high number indicates that the recommendation has a strong effect on the value. The weights use are those specified for the recommendation in the FIDES standard.
The compliance level to assign based on proof provided by the audit. Choices for Answer are:
N1: Not Applied
N2: Only Partly Applied
N3: Almost Fully Applied
N4: Fully Applied, Subject of a Procedure
Raw Points
The raw points assigned to each question from the FIDES standard, which are:
N1: 0
N2: 1
N3: 2
N4: 3
Weighted Points
The value obtained by multiplying the Raw Points value by the Weight value. For example, if 3 is the Raw Points value and 7 is the Weight value, the Weighted Points value is 21. (7 * 3).