Entering MIL-HDBK-217 Boards with Plated Thru Holes
The following table describes the part parameters required for connectors in the Board with Plated Thru Holes subcategory when a MIL-HDBK-217 model is selected for the calculation.
Quality Level
Choice List [Parts Count also]
The quality screening level used in the manufacturing of the device. Choices are:
For more information, see MIL-HBDK-217 Quality Levels.
Choice List
The type of board. Choices are:
Printed Wiring
Discrete Wiring
# of Circuit Planes
The number of circuit planes in the board. If the board uses discrete wiring, assume that the number of circuit planes is 1.
# of Wave Soldered PTHs
The number of wave soldered plated-thru holes (PTHs)
# of Hand Soldered PTHs
The number of hand soldered PTHs.
Adjust Connector Count
A positive or negative integer that is used to adjust the connector count that is calculated.
Automatically Count Connections
Indicates whether to count the number of a specific type of connections in selected subassemblies. When None is selected (default), no connections are counted. When the option to the right of a connection type is selected, that connection type is counted. When prediction calculations run, the calculated connection count is stored in the last part in the assembly (by record number) that has this parameter set. For more information, see Connections for Part Types.
[Derating Parameters]
For more information, see Derating Parameters.