Customizing Repair Levels
In the Project’s Data Definition file, you can select Maintainability Definition as the table type to view and modify the fields in the Maintainability Data pane. For more information, see Data Definition Files.
Repair Level is one of the fields in the Maintainability Data pane. By default, this field is attached to the Maintenance Levels list in the Master List Library file. For more information, see List Library Files. Of the three items in this list (Depot, Intermediate, and Organizational), Intermediate is selected as the default value for newly inserted records. However, you can select a different item to make it the default value.
To use custom repair levels, you can do one of the following.
Create a new list named Maintenance Levels in a List Library file. Repair Level then uses the items in this list rather than those in the list from the Master List Library file. In the Data Definition file, select the item in your Maintenance Levels list to use as the default value for newly inserted records.
Create a new list with any unique name in a List Library file. In the Data Definition file, attach this new list to Repair Level. From the items in this list, select the item to use as the default value for newly inserted records.