Refreshing FRACAS Lookup Data in a Parent Table
A FRACAS Lookup Table file is associated with a particular table type. Only modifications made to key fields in this table trigger a lookup. If you make modifications to a key field in a parent table, a lookup is not triggered. However, you can manually refresh the lookup data in the parent table.
1. In the System file, click the FRACAS table with the lookup data that you want to update.
2. Select System > Refresh FRACAS Lookup Table Data and the appropriate command, referring to the following table for descriptions.
The X in the command name is either the singular or plural name for the table to refresh. For instance, if the FRACAS Incidents table is to be refreshed, when its default singular and plural names are in use, X is either FRACAS Incidents or FRACAS Incident. For more information, see Specifying Table Settings
All X
When selected, all records in the table are refreshed.
X in the Current Table
When selected, records that meet the current filter criteria for the table are refreshed. This includes applied filters from those in Filter files as well as those set by Filter by commands and filter bar selections.
Selected X
When selected, only the active record in the table is refreshed.
A confirmation window opens, indicating that the updates made by refreshing FRACAS records with the latest data in FRACAS Lookup Table files cannot be undone.
3. Click Yes. A window opens, displaying status information as the data is refreshed. After the data is updated, the window closes.