FRACAS Operating Time Page
Under FRACAS in the Calculate window, the FRACAS Operating Time page provides for indicating whether to use the records in this table. As described in FRACAS Operating Times Table, this table is shown in the System file only if it is turned on in the Table Settings pane in the Project Properties window. For more information, see Table Settings (Project).
The following table describes the properties on the FRACAS Operating Time page. To ignore all records in this table, you select Continuous operation.
Use FRACAS Operating Time records to calculate operational time
When selected (default), operating time is based on records in the FRACAS Operating Time table. Thus, the checkboxes beneath this property are available.
If end date is blank, use today’s date. When selected (default), the day on which the calculation is run is used as the end date. When cleared, operating time records with blank end dates are ignored.
Multiply operating time by the Configuration quantity. When selected (default), the operating time is multiplied by the configuration quantity.
Continuous operation
When selected, operating time is assumed to be continuous (24 hours a day), and all Operating Time records are ignored. When calculating overall MTBF, the following properties are available so that you can graph MTBF over a specified time period.
Start date. The date on which continuous operation began. The default is the current date. If you change the start date but not the end date, the overall MTBF until the present time is computed.
End date. The date on which continuous operation ended. The default is the current date. If you change the end date, the date that you specify becomes the new default.
Before running FRACAS calculations, the operating time for a system tree configuration is converted into equivalent time. For more information, see Equivalent Time. Operating time is basically the difference between a start time and end time with any necessary adjustments for duty cycle. To run MTB calculations for the configuration, at least one record must exist in the Operating Times table. The operating time information specified for the configuration is used to compute the equivalent time. If equivalent time cannot be computed, all incidents associated with that item are ignored and calculations run as if that item did not exist.