Windchill Risk and Reliability Desktop Help > Windchill FRACAS > FRACAS Interface > FRACAS How-Tos > Creating a Weibull Data Set from FRACAS Incidents
Creating a Weibull Data Set from FRACAS Incidents
When both the FRACAS and Weibull modules are licensed, you can create Weibull data sets based on some or all of the records in the FRACAS Incidents table. In this table, all records that you want to include in the Weibull data set must have values for Metered Time.
1. With any FRACAS pane active, select System > Create Weibull Data Set. The Create Weibull Data Set window opens.
2. Complete this window.
a. For FRACAS Incident filter, select a filter if you want to limit the records to include in the data set to some subset of incidents.
The label for this field uses the singular name assigned to the FRACAS Incidents table in the Table Settings pane in the Project Properties window. For more information, see Specifying Table Settings”.
b. For Weibull data set name, type the name that you want to assign to the data set.
3. Click OK. Once the data set is created, a window opens, indicating the number of data points.
4. Click OK to close the window.
In the Weibull module, all data sets that are created from FRACAS records are placed in a child folder named FRACAS Generated Data Sets beneath the top-level Reliability Growth folder for life data sets. To see these data sets in the Weibull module, under Analysis type in the LDA Navigator, select Life Data. Under Data sets, the Reliability Growth folder contains the FRACAS Generated Data Sets folder. For more information, see LDA Navigator.