FMEA Fault Equivalence File Overview
The FMEA Fault Equivalence file is a singular support file, which means only one occurrence of this file type can exist in the Project. This file is created when the Project is created. In this support file, you store the FMEA data to copy into the FMEA Worksheet table when the data that you enter in the FMEA matches criteria specified for as many as five key FMEA fields. You cannot open the FMEA Fault Equivalence file until after you define key fields and fault equivalence fields in the Project’s FMEA Design file. For more information, see FMEA Design Files.
The FMEA Fault Equivalence file supports the concept of fault equivalence groups that is described in the SAE ARP5580 FMEA standard. As you enter data in the FMEA Worksheet table, the FMEA Fault Equivalence file is searched to see if criteria for key fields are met. If the data entered exactly matches criteria specified for key fields, fault equivalence data associated with this record is copied into the FMEA Worksheet table.
Wildcard characters or filters are not supported during the entry of data in the FMEA Tree Items or FMEA Worksheet table. If multiple key matches are found, the FMEA data for the first match is copied. Because the FMEA Fault Equivalence file is applicable to process, functional, and component FMEAs, using it saves you time as well as improves consistency throughout your failure analysis.
The FMEA Fault Equivalence file has two panes in which to enter data. The following table describes these two panes. As described in Key and Fault Equivalence Data Fields, you select key fields and fault equivalence data fields in the Project’s FMEA Design file.
FMEA Key Definition
Displays a table listing criteria for the key fields selected in the FMEA Design file. For more information, see FMEA Key Definition Pane.
FMEA Worksheet
Displays a table listing the FMEA data to copy into the FMEA Worksheet table when the data entered in the FMEA matches the criteria for the key fields in the FMEA Key Definition pane. For more information, see FMEA Worksheet Pane.