FMEA Key Definition Pane
In the FMEA Fault Equivalence file, the FMEA Key Definition pane lists criteria for the key fields selected in the FMEA Design file. As described in Key and Fault Equivalence Data Fields, you can select as many as five key fields in the FMEA Design file. The fields that you select there are shown as columns here in this pane.
Clicking < Click here to insert a new record > in the last row inserts a new key record. For more information, see Inserting a FMEA Key Record.
To reorder records in the FMEA Key Definition pane, you can use the standard Windows drag-and-drop or cut-and-paste technique.
If no key fields are selected in the FMEA Design file, the first row contains the following message:
Select fields to use as the key in the Key column of the FMEA Design file.