Spelling Options Window
The Spelling Options window provides several options for indicating how to check record content for possible misspellings. While you generally open this window by clicking Options in the Spelling window, you can also select Tools > Spelling > Options.
The following table describes the options in the Spelling Options window. Once you complete this window, you click OK to save your changes and close it. When a spelling check is either started or resumed, these changes are in effect. If you click Cancel in this window, any changes you have made are discarded before the window closes.
Ignore words in UPPERCASE
Indicates whether the spelling of words typed entirely in capital letters is checked. For example, if this checkbox was selected, the word CGA in the description of a logic integrated circuit would not be checked.
Ignore words with numbers
Indicates whether the spelling of words that contain numbers is checked. When this checkbox is selected, most part numbers in the System Tree are excluded from the spelling check. For example, the part number LOGIC2 would not be checked.
Check hyphenated words separately
Indicates whether the spelling of each portion of a hyphenated entry is checked separately. This checkbox is selected by default. This means that a spell check of the word Two-Sided results in the check of the word Two followed by a check of the word Sided.
Require exact match (case sensitive)
Indicates whether case is considered when determining whether a word is spelled correctly. When this checkbox is selected, if the case does not match, the word is considered to be misspelled. For example, qlmlink is considered a misspelling if only QLMLink is found in the dictionary. If this checkbox is cleared, however, qlmlink is not considered a misspelling.
Recheck typed replacement word
Indicates whether to check the spelling of words that you enter for Change To in the Spelling window to ensure that they are not misspelled. This checkbox is selected by default.