Saving the Diagram to a Local Image File
You can save a diagram to a local image file. You can then open this file in a graphics program or inserted in a word-processing or spreadsheet file. You can also send image files as attachments to email messages, providing an easy way to share a diagram with co-workers, colleagues, and customers.
1. Select Diagram > Save Graphic to File. The Save Graphic To File window opens.
The default location is the Files folder for the current installation. You can use the navigational options to select a different folder. In the Team Edition, the Files folder for the current installation contains a folder for each Project.
2. For Save as type, select the format to which to save the diagram image. The choices, which follow, can be opened by most popular graphics programs, including Microsoft Paint:
Bitmap Files (*.bmp, *.dib)
JPEG Files (*.jpg)
When you save a diagram as a *.jpg file, JPEG quality is shown. In this field, you define the quality of the image as a percentage value from 0 to 100. The default is 75.
Specifying a higher percentage value creates a clearer image but a larger file size. Specifying a lower percentage creates an image with less clarity but a smaller file size.
3. For File name, enter the name to assign to the image file.
4. Click Create to save the graph image to the specified file and close the Save Graphic to File window.