Import/Export Template File How-Tos
The Import Wizard and Export Wizard are designed to step you through the process of properly selecting and formatting the data to import or export. If the same data imports or exports are repeated on a regular basis, you can save the settings for these tasks in Import/Export Template files so that stepping through wizard pages can be bypassed. Because an Import/Export Template file contains all of the information needed to perform a particular import or export again, including file format, field selection and order, field assignment settings, you need only to select or open this file to perform the same import or export again.
The following topics explain how to select or open an Import/Export Template file to perform an import or export:
A supplied Import/Export Template file, Prediction - All Part Data (Export, Prediction Parts), is available in the Supplied folder on the application server. For more information, see Supplied Files. You can copy this file into your Project as described in Copying a Team File into a Project. You can then open or load this file to export prediction data for all model/category/subcategory combinations in the selected System file. The fields exported for each model/category/subcategory combination appears in Prediction Data Exports. Also supplied are Import/Export Template files for exporting operating stress, temperature override, and temperature rise data.