Entering FMEA Data
To enter data in a FMEA:
1. In the FMEA Table, select System Functional FMEA.
2. In the FMEA Tree Items - Functional table, select Processing Section.
3. In the FMEA Worksheet table, in the Function / Process column, select Transfer data and provide computing functions.
4. Do the following to insert and complete a new record:
a. Select Insert > Insert Mode to insert a new failure mode.
b. For Failure Mode, enter Hard drive failure.
c. For Mode Percentage, enter 25.
d. For the other three failure modes for this function, change Mode Percentage to 25.
If the entire column is not visible, you can resize the column.
Failure mode percentages of all failure modes for a single item should add up to 100 percent. For this example, you are going to assume that all four modes have an equal likelihood of occurring.
In real-world situations, some modes are more likely to occur than others. You would reflect this by designating the appropriate percentages for each mode.
e. For Local Effect for your newly inserted failure mode, enter Hard drive cannot be accessed and press Tab.
The Add List Item window opens. Because the local effect you just entered is new, you are being asked whether to add it to the list of possible effects for this FMEA.
A significant advantage of keeping a list of effects in FMEA is to ensure consistency. The next time a failure results in “Hard drive cannot be accessed,” you would not need to type in this effect again because you could select it from the list.
f. Click Yes to add the new effect to the list.
g. For End Effect, select Tablet PC not functional.
h. For Sev, which is a custom prompt assigned to the Severity field, select 9 to indicate a high severity.
i. For Class, leave it blank.
j. For Cause of Failure, enter Bad sector on hard drive.
k. For Occ, which is a custom prompt assigned to the Occurrence field, select 2 to indicate a low probability of occurrence.
l. For Current Controls, enter Test hard drive on bootup.
m. For Det, which is a custom prompt assigned to the Detection field, select 6 to indicate a moderate detection mechanism is in place. Then, press Tab to move to the next field.
Windchill FMEA automatically computes the RPN (risk priority number) for this failure mode.
Depending on your system and your requirements, you might need to determine the RPN values that represent high, medium, and low risk. Failure modes identified to be high risk should be further analyzed to determine if controls can be established to eliminate or mitigate the risk of their occurrence.
n. For Recommended Actions, enter Add periodic hard drive tests during normal operation.
o. For Responsibility, enter Anthony - HD Engr.
p. For Target Date, click in the field to make the calendar icon available. Then, click this icon to display the calendar control.
q. Select one month from today for the target completion date.
Once the recommended actions have been put into place, you would complete the remaining fields: Actions Taken, Sev Res, Occ Res, and Det Res. These last three fields all have custom prompts assigned to fields for assigning result values for severity, occurrence, and detection.
You have now completed entering data for a new failure mode. Entry of additional FMEA data is accomplished in the same manner. You can enter any number of data levels (items, modes, causes, and effects) by using commands on the Insert menu and on the right-click menu. You can also enable the Insert FMEA Items toolbar to insert FMEA data using toolbar buttons.
FMEA data structures can be customized, which means you can vary the hierarchical relationship of your FMEA data as well as the data to collect.