FRACAS Lookup Table Functions
The next several functions act only on records in FRACAS Lookup Table files. These functions are very similar to functions described earlier. For example, AddLookupRecord is similar to AddRecord. However, up to five key fields define a unique record in a FRACAS Lookup Table file. Consequently, functions specific to FRACAS Lookup Table files are necessary.
Subsequent topics list parameters for five key fields. While FRACAS Lookup Table files can support as many as five key fields, most files contain fewer than five key fields.
You can export data from a FRACAS Lookup Table file using standard CreateExportXML functions. To export data, you enter the name of the FRACAS Lookup Table file for SystemName and LookupKey for Table. No parent identifiers are needed. The fields that you request for exporting must be either valid key fields or value fields. For more information, see CreateExportXML Functions.
The Windchill Risk and Reliability Extension for ThingWorx does not support the functions for FRACAS Lookup Tables.
FRACAS Lookup Table files are often used to fill in address information as data is entered in System files. The following FRACAS Lookup Table file has only a single key field, which specifies the location of an air force base (AFB). This file, named FRACAS Lookup Table 1, is used in examples when possible.