CreateExportXML Functions
The following functions export data from one or more tables based on the filter specified. The exported data is saved to an XML document on the server.
CreateExportXML—Exports data from a specified table. The fields exported are those in the Table Format file for the user group that you used for login.
CreateExportXMLSession—Exports data as described in the previous bullet using a session token returned by the GetSessionToken function.
CreateExportXMLCustom—Exports data from an array of fields from one or more specified tables. In the requested field array, you can include fields from parent tables.
CreateExportXMLCustomSession—Exports data as described in the previous bullet using a session token returned by the GetSessionToken function.
Because exporting values for multiple fields in multiple tables is complex, these functions are not usable from the dataengine.asmx test page on the server. When you click one of these functions, only a function description is shown.
The XML file is created in the Temp folder on the web server. XML files generated by CreateExport functions are cleaned up in 24 hours.
Additional Mapping Data
All four XML export functions have additional data included in the mapping section at the top of the XML file:
ExportedFieldName—The name for the field to export.
TableName—The name of the Windchill Risk and Reliability table in which the field is located.
FieldType—The database type of the field, such as Text, Memo, Date, Boolean, and more.
FieldList—If the field is a text or memo field attached to a list, the code for the list to which it is attached. If the field is attached to a special list, “Internal List” is shown.
FMEAFieldType—For an FMEA Worksheet field only, the data level of the field. As many as five data levels are possible: Item, Mode, Cause, Effect, and Action. If the field is a parent field, “Invalid” is shown.
The following is the syntax for an HTTP request using the CreateExportXML function:
POST /WindchillRiskandReliability12.0/DataEngine.asmx/CreateExportXML HTTP/1.1
Host: HostName
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length

The CreateExportXML and CreateExportXMLCustom functions use the login parameters for Windchill Risk and Reliability user accounts. The CreateExportXMLSession and CreateExportXMLCustomSession functions use the single login parameter for sessions. For more information, see Login Parameters.
In addition to login parameters, all CreateExportXML functions use these parameters:
ProjectName—The name of the Windchill Risk and Reliability Project. This value is case-sensitive.
SystemName—The name of the System file. This value is case-sensitive.
Table—The name of the Windchill Risk and Reliability table from which to export records. This value is case-sensitive.
ParentIdentifier1—The identifier of the record that you want to export.
ParentIdentifier2—The second identifier of the record that you want to export.
Parent identifier values are not case-sensitive. Supplying values for these parameters are optional as they function as filters. If you do not supply values, all records are selected for exporting. Parent identifier values differ for each table. The Configurations, List Definitions, and LookupKey tables do not have parent tables. Assume that you want to export FRACAS Incidents data for only one particular system tree configuration. For ParentIdentifier1, you would supply this configuration identifier so that only incidents tied to this configuration are returned. For more information, see the following table.
FilterName—An optional filter that you want to apply before exporting data.
FilterParameters—The specific values that you want to use for the parameters required by the filter. If values are not specified, default values are used. To specify values, you must know the number and order of the required parameters. When passing values for multiple parameters, two colons (::) must separate each text string. You can see the required parameters in the Filter file in which the filter is stored. If passed values do not match or are unnecessary, they are ignored.
Parent Identifier Values for Tables
System Tree Items
The identifier of the configuration for which to show the system tree. This value is not required unless the Configurations table is enabled. This value is not case-sensitive.
Problems Subtable 1-10
The identifier of the parent problem. This value is not case-sensitive.
FRACAS Incidents
The identifier of the parent configuration. This value is not case-sensitive.
The identifier of the parent system tree item. This value is not case-sensitive.
FRACAS Incidents Subtable 1-10
The identifier of the parent incident. This value is not case-sensitive.
FRACAS Operating Times
The identifier of the parent configuration. This value is not case-sensitive.
FRACAS Maintenance Logs
The identifier of the parent incident. This value is not case-sensitive.
FMEA Tree Items
The identifier of the FMEA Table record for which you want to see the FMEA tree. This value is not case-sensitive.
FMEA Tree Items Subtables
The identifier of the FMEA Table record for which you want to see FMEA Tree Items Subtable data. This value is not case-sensitive.
The identifier of the parent FMEA tree item. This value is not case-sensitive.
FMEA Worksheet
The identifier of the FMEA Table record for which you want to see FMEA Worksheet data.
The identifier of the FMEA tree item for which you want to see FMEA Worksheet data. This parameter is optional.
FMEA Control Plans
The identifier of the associated FMEA Table record.
The identifier of the associated FMEA Tree Items or FMEA Worksheet record.
The identifier of the associated FMEA Table record.
The identifier of the associated FMEA Tree Items or FMEA Worksheet record.
List Choices
The Display text of the list definition to which you want to see list choices.
List Definitions
The last table row indicates that you can use the functions for exporting XML with FRACAS Lookup Table files. For information specific to using functions with these files, see FRACAS Lookup Table Functions.
The following is an example of an HTTP POST request using the CreateExportXML function:
POST /WindchillRiskandReliability12.0/DataEngine.asmx/CreateExportXML HTTP/1.1
Host: vm-test
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length

UserName=Bill&Password=b3am3r&GroupName=Manager&ProjectName=Tablet PC
&SystemName=Tablet PC&Table=System Tree Items&ParentIdentifier1=Configuration1
&FilterName=Select Manufacturer&FilterParameters=AVX
Assume that the user is authenticated and the specified parameter values are found. Data from all fields shown in the table for this user group is exported to an XML file. The location of this file is also returned.
If the parent identifier or filter values are either not specified or invalid, they are ignored. The data is then exported unfiltered.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataEngineResponse xmlns="">
If the call fails, the AdditionalData tag provides the reason for the failure.
In the generated XML document, a FieldMap section contains ExportedFieldName elements and Mapping elements. Each exported field in the XML document is mapped to an actual prompt in the specified table. Each Record section of the XML document displays one record that matches any criteria specified by parameters for parent identifiers and FilterName.
FileAccessCookie is returned in result response while generating output that needs to be downloaded.
Specifying Multiple Values
The CreateExportXMLCustom and CreateExportXMLCustomSession functions are among those that use the FieldList parameter to specify multiple fields. For more information, see Multiple Field Requests.