Moving File Locations with the Execute Expression Robot
This topic provides a sample of using the Execute Expression robot node to move a file from one folder to another.
Referenced Workflow
The following expression checks if the workflow has been assigned a primaryBusinessObject. If so, it moves the object from its current location to the System folder.
If the object already exists in the System folder, you will see no change, thus, you should either create a new object in a folder other than /System or cut and paste the existing document to a different folder.
Copy the following code:
// Check if a PBO has been assigned to the process
if (primaryBusinessObject !=null) {
try {
wt.folder.Folder f = wt.folder.FolderHelper.service.getFolder( "/System");
//move the PBO to the '/System' folder
wt.folder.FolderHelper.service.changeFolder((wt.folder.FolderEntry )primaryBusinessObject, f );
catch ( wt.util.WTException wex ) {
System.out.println( "Cannot move "+ primaryBusinessObject.getDisplayIdentifier( )+"because "+ wex.getLocalizedMessage( )}
// if a PBO has not been assigned to the Process
System.out.println( "Primary business object is NULL");
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