Branching on Life Cycle States
This topic provides a sample for routing a business object based on its life cycle state.
Referenced Workflow
This sample demonstrates how to trigger different activities based on the life cycle state of an object. You might have a workflow template that has to perform Task A if Object 1 is in the InWork state and Task B otherwise. The primaryBusinessObject is assumed to be life cycle managed.
Replace the <routing event> tags with the ones you want to define for your workflow template and the <life cycle state> tags with the life cycle state from which you want to branch. (The routing type for this activity is Conditional.)
For possible states of a life cycle managed object, refer to
Copy the following code:
if ((( wt.lifecycle.LifeCycleManaged )primaryBusinessObject). getLifeCycleState( )== wt.lifecycle.State. < life cycle state>)
result= "< routing event >";
result= "< routing event >";
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