Saved Reports Table
The Saved Reports table lists all saved reports for the reports available in the Reports table for the current context. From the table view drop-down list you can choose to view All Saved Reports or only My Saved Reports.
For each saved report, the table displays the saved report name, the owner (that is, the user who saved the report), a description of the report, and the date when the saved report was last modified.
The following actions are available from the Saved Reports table:
View the saved report
Click the saved report name or the view report icon from the Saved Report table to generate the report with the saved criteria. Once the report is generated, you can expand the Criteria pane, change the report criteria, and regenerate the report results as described in Viewing a Report.
Edit the saved report attributes
Click the edit report icon or select Edit Report from the right-click actions menu to edit the attributes of the saved report.
Delete the saved report
Select a saved report and click the delete icon or select Delete from the right-click actions menu for the saved report. Only site administrators or the user who created the saved report can delete the saved report.
All saved reports for a report must be deleted before the report can be deleted from the Report Management utility.
Refresh the Saved Reports table
Click the refresh icon to refresh the Saved Reports table with any additions or deletions since the table was initially displayed.
Create a new data monitor based on the saved report.
Select New Data Monitor from the right-click action menu for the saved report, or click the new data monitor icon in the table toolbar.
For more information about tables, see Using Tables.
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