Editing a Saved Report
The Edit Saved Report window displays the saved report attributes, and allows certain fields to be edited. Only site administrators, organization administrators, and the user who created the saved report can edit the saved report information. Other users can run an existing saved report, then save it as a new saved report, which they can then edit.
Access the Edit Saved Report window by clicking the edit icon next to the report in the Saved Reports table.
The information displayed includes:
The name of the saved report (required).
The report template that the saved report is based upon.
The user who initially saved the report.
An optional description of the saved report.
The date that the saved report was initially saved.
The date that the saved report was last modified.
Of this information, only the Saved Report Name and Description fields are editable.
The criteria specified in the saved report can only be modified from the report generation window when viewing a report.
To edit the saved report information, make the desired changes, and click OK.
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