Check Route Status
To view the routing status of an object, use one of the following methods:
When an object is routed, a route/process status icon appears next to it in the Folder Contents table. Click the route/process status icon to view status information.
From the information page of a routed object, select Customize > History > Routing/Process History.
The Customize menu appears when you create a new tab on an object information page.
The following tables provide routing status information:
Routing/Process History
This table lists any routing processes that have been initiated for the object. Select the required option button next to a routing process to filter what information appears in the Process Status and Task History tables.
Select Open Process Monitor from the right-click actions menu of a route process to view a graphical representation of the process.
Process Status
This table provides status information for any tasks or assignments associated with the routing process, such as if a task has been completed, its due date, and whether it has been approved.
Task History
This table provides details of any further actions completed within the tasks or assignments that are associated with the routing process, such as when a task is accepted or reassigned.
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