Editing Multiple Parts
You can edit multiple parts in one operation using the following procedure:
1. From the Folder Contents table, select the check boxes for the parts you want to edit.
2. Select Edit Multiple Objects in the Actions menu.
The Edit Multiple Parts window appears.
The preceding steps also apply for documents, however you can select only parts or only documents. The action is not available if check boxes for both parts and documents are selected.
3. The selected parts appear in a table within the Edit Multiple Parts window. You may either:
a. Modify the editable attributes you wish to change directly within this table.
You may not see all the editable attributes in a specific view. Change views or create a customized view to see all editable attributes.
b. Select a subset of the parts within the table and select Edit Attribute Value from the Actions menu. The list of attributes that may be edited are found in the drop-down menu for the Set field. Modify the desired attributes and click OK. The modifications will be reflected in the selected parts within the Edit Multiple Parts window.
4. After making the desired changes do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save the changes without performing a check in.
If you choose to save the part rather than check in, and you later select Undo Checkout from the Actions menu, any attributes you had changed will revert back to the original values.
b. Click Check In to complete your edits and make the changes available to other users.
Other editing operations modify attributes associated to all versions of a specific part. To change these common part attributes use the Rename or Edit Common Attributes actions.
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