Editing a Part
Parts may be edited using the Edit or Check Out and Edit actions. These actions are found:
In the Actions menu on the part’s information page.
On data tables in many locations in Windchill.
On the right-click menu of a selected part.
Only a portion of the attributes will be editable depending on the Windchill modules that are installed and your access privileges.
Use the following steps to edit a part:
1. Go to the information page or table displaying the part to be edited.
2. Select Edit or Check Out and Edit from the Actions menu. The Edit Part window appears.
Select Edit, if you have the part checked out. Select Check Out and Edit, if the part is currently checked in. Check out and Edit combines the checkout and edit actions in one click.
3. Edit attributes as desired.
4. If a Set Attachments step appears, you can use the Attachments table
to add secondary content to the part.
Attachments are not considered standalone objects and, therefore, have limited functionality.
Administrators enable attachments on parts from the Preference Management table under Part Management > Attachments on parts.
5. After making the desired changes do one of the following:
a. Click Save to save the changes without performing a check in.
If you choose to save the part rather than check in, and you later select Undo Checkout from the Actions menu, any information you had changed will revert back to the original values.
b. Click Check In to complete your edits and make the changes available to other users. Changes are saved and the part is checked in.
You can perform inline editing of part attributes available in Edit or Check Out and Edit actions displayed in the part structure pane. You require modify permissions to perform inline editing. For more information, see About the Part Structure Pane.
Other editing operations modify attributes associated to all versions of a specific part. To change these common part attributes use the Rename or Edit Common Attributes actions or inline editing within the Part Structure Pane of the Part Structure Browser.
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