Part Instance Information Page
A part instance represents an assembled product that is uniquely identified by a serial and/or lot number.
The part instance information page is a collection point for information related to the part instance. The information page of a part instance is accessed by clicking the information icon displayed for a part instance in the Part Instances tab on the part configuration information page.
From the information page, you can perform actions on a part instance, as well as view the object attributes and any related information.
For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in a menu in the upper left corner of the page. See Common Actions for a list of common actions available in Windchill. The availability of these actions depends on the status of the part instance, as well as your access to it. For more information about status indicators, see Object Status.
The Set Incorporation action is unique to a part instance. Use this action to specify planned and actual dates the part instance is assembled. For more information about incorporation, see Incorporating a Part Instance.
The following tabs are available on the part instance information page. You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Administrators may have modified the tabs that are viewable to you.
Contains attribute information about the part instance.
See Object Attributes for a list of common attributes available in Windchill. The following attributes are of particular interest for this object.
Lot Number – The identifier for the manufacturing lot from which the part instance was created.
Serial Number – The unique identifier for the specific part instance.
Base Part – The part from which the part configuration and part instance was created.
Part Configuration – The part configuration from which the part instance is created.
Estimated Incorporation Date – The estimated date when the part instance will be assembled.
Start Incorporation Date – The date when the part instance was assembled.
End Incorporation Date – The date when the part instance version is no longer in effect.
For more information, see Incorporating a Part Instance.
Displays the part instance structure and attribute information. A toolbar of common actions appears at the top of the structure tab. Beneath the toolbar, the left pane contains the expandable part instance structure, the right pane contains tabs displaying information about a part selected on the left.
For more information, see Part Instance Structure Tab.
Related Objects
Includes Described By Documents and References Documents tables that contain documents having a version specific or version independent relationship to the top assembly part for the part instance.
An example of a part instance document would be a final inspection report associated to a specific part instance version of a product shipped to a customer.
Part instance documents can also be displayed in a part instance structure using the Show/Hide action in the Structure tab toolbar. For more information, see the description of the Viewing action set in the Part Instance Structure Tab help topic.
The Changes tab contains the Associated Changes table showing change objects that are related to the part instance such as change requests and change notices. For more information, see Managing Product Change.
Use this information to see part changes that have occurred in the past and changes that are currently in process.
The History tab contains the Revision History table and a dynamic time line displaying events that have occurred in the development of the part such as new versions and changes in lifecycle state. Use your mouse to move the time scale to the left and right, revealing additional events. Click an event name to see more information. For more information, see Timeline History Table .
Contains a table of information with separate views showing allocation information for this part instance. The table views are:
Allocates part instances – Child part instances that have been allocated to this part instance.
Allocates incorporated part instances – Incorporated child part instances that have been allocated to this part instance.
Allocated by part instances – Parent part instances to which this part instance has been allocated.
Allocated by incorporated part instances – Incorporated parent part instances to which this part instance has been allocated.
For more information, see Allocating an Existing Part Instance.
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