Part Instance Configuration Specification
The Edit Filter action on a part instance information page provides the ability to define a configuration specification filter for a part instance. Use the following procedure to define part instance configuration specification filter:
1. Choose Latest or Incorporation Date from the Choose a Type drop-down menu. The choices are defined as follows.
Latest – A latest configuration specification filters the part instance structure to show the latest part instance version of a specified state. Selecting Latest from the type menu causes the Life Cycle State field to appear. Select a state from the Life Cycle State menu or leave the field blank to indicate any state.
Incorporation Date – An incorporation date configuration specification filters the part instance structure to show part instance versions that are in effect as of a specified Start or Estimated incorporation date. Selecting Incorporation Date from the type menu causes the Date field and Start and Estimated choices to appear. Enter a date in the Date field and select either Start or Estimated indicating the type of date to be used for filtering.
2. Select Apply to top level object to apply the configuration specification to the top part node in the part instance structure.
3. Select Apply latest for unresolved dependents to apply a latest configuration specification to any part instance within the part instance structure for which a version has not been selected.
4. Click OK to apply the configuration specification filter to the part instance structure.
The part instance information page is refreshed to show the filtered part structure.
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