Using the Configuration Context Structure Tab
The Structure tab within the configuration context information page contains tools for displaying and editing the configuration context part structure prior to creating a design context for CAD modeling. There are three important areas within the Structure tab.
The actions toolbar
The configuration context part structure pane
The tabbed pane
Actions Toolbar
The actions tool bar appears just below the configuration context identity and Actions menu. The toolbar actions are divided into sections called action sets. You can click an action set in the image below to go directly to help specific to that set.
The following table describes the actions available in each action group in the toolbar.
Action Set
Includes the Refresh Context action that updates a configuration context part structure to reflect the latest included and excluded parts. For more information, see Editing Action Set - Configuration Contexts.
Check Out/In
Includes Check Out, Check In, and Undo Checkout actions. Use these actions to reserve or release the right to modify a configuration context. For more information, see Check Out/In Action Set - Configuration Contexts.
These actions allow you to change the information that is displayed in the configuration context part structure. For more information, see Viewing Action Set - Configuration Contexts.
Provides the ability to create a new viewable representation. For more information, see New Action Set - Configuration Contexts.
Edit Filter and Current Filter actions allow you to view and edit the filters used to display the configuration context part structure. For more information, see Filter Action Set - Configuration Contexts.
Design Context
Includes the New/Update and Open In CAD Tool actions to create, update, and open the design context associated to the configuration context in a CAD application. For more information, see Design Context Action Set - Configuration Contexts.
Configuration Context Structure Panes
The area below the tool bar on the configuration context information page is divided into panes. Either two or three panes appear depending on the Display choice you have selected under the Viewing actions set or on the right mouse button menu. The left pane displays the expandable configuration context part structure.
The right pane is tabbed and contains information about the currently selected object in the configuration context part structure pane. When a different object is selected in the structure pane, the information in the right pane updates.
The following table describes the right pane tabs and the information they contain.
Displays important attribute information about the configuration context or the member parts it contains.
The following attributes are unique to a configuration context:
The Context Part is the top level assembly from which a configuration context is created. Its structure uses all the parts that are required in the configuration context.
The Design Context field contains the name, number, and version of the design context created from the configuration context.
Displays graphic images of all parts included in the configuration context having published geometry generated from CAD models.
Selecting the image of a part expands the configuration context structure and highlights that part in the part structure pane. Selecting a part in the part structure pane highlights the same part in the Visualization tab.
For details about the tab actions, see Visualization Tab Actions.
Contains a list of rules governing the inclusion and exclusion of parts within the configuration context. These rules run whenever you perform a Refresh Context operation.
For details about the display behavior of the Rules tab, see Rules Tab Display Behavior
Selecting an Exclude, Include, Include Only, or Proximity Spatial rule expands the configuration context structure in the part structure pane and highlights the related part.
For further details about cross selection behavior between the part structure pane and the tabbed pane, see Cross Selection Behavior
Displays the definitions of option filters and ad-hoc filters defined by the variant specification, which are referenced and applied to the configuration context structure, when you create a configuration context for a managed variant specification.
The information in this tab is read-only.
This tab is available only when a configurable part is selected.
Visualization Tab Actions
When the Visualization tab is selected, the actions described in the following table are available.
Zoom all
Zoom in on the complete assembly.
Zoom selected
Zoom in on a selected part.
Set spin center
Enables you to assign a spin center to the assembly.
Toggle the automatic selection preference
Enables you to toggle the automatic selection preference to do one or both of the following:
Automatically Select from Structure to Visualization
Automatically Select from Visualization to Structure
When both options are selected, clicking on a structure member highlights the member in the visualization and clicking on a member in the visualization pane highlights its row in the structure (expanding the structure if necessary).
In a multibody structure, if you click the body node in the Visualization tab, then the parent part of the selected body is highlighted in the structure.
Spatial filter
Opens a menu to set or update box, sphere, or (where a component is selected) proximity type of spatial filter.
For more information, see About Spatial Filters.
Use of filters actually trims the structure tree (removes components).
Components that do not have an associated representation (no bounding box) cannot be filtered. You can resolve this by generating representations for these components.
For more information, see WVS Job Scheduler Administration.
Spatial rule
Opens a menu to set or update a box, sphere, or (where a component is selected) proximity spatial rule.
For more information about using spatial rules, see the following topics.
This action is included with a feature that can be optionally enabled.
Use of rules can exclude components from membership in the configuration context.
While the configuration context is checked out, the excluded components remain in the structure tree (in an unselected state).
When the configuration context is not in a checked out state, components that have been excluded by rules are hidden in the tree.
Rules Tab Display Behavior
Only one spatial rule is allowed on a configuration context and it always appears at the top of the rules list.
If a new spatial rule is defined, the previous spatial rule is overwritten.
Include, exclude and proximity rules show a path to the applicable object in the configuration context part structure pane using a numeric value.
When new include or exclude rules are defined, the rules list is automatically cleaned up as described in the following table.
This action
Cleans up . . .
New Exclude rule is defined.
All Include, Include Only, and Exclude rules.
New Include rule is defined.
All Exclude, Include Only, and Include rules.
New Include Only rule is defined.
All Include, Include Only rules, as well as the Exclude rule unless it is the most recent rule for this path.
Cross Selection Behavior
When you select an Include, Exclude or Proximity Spatial rule in the Rules tab, the related part occurrence is auto-selected in the part structure pane. However, the reverse is not possible. Selecting a part in the part structure pane does not auto-select the related rule in the Rules tab.
When the Rules and Visualization tabs are displayed simultaneously (possible in three-pane mode), and you have Automatically Select from Structure to Visualization enabled in the Visualization tab, selecting a rule in the Rules tab auto-selects the related part in both the part structure pane and the Visualization tab.
If the part related to the selected rule is missing in the part structure pane (for example, if it was filtered out, has an Exclude rule, or it has been removed from the tree structure) then the tree expands as far along the path to the part as possible, but does not select a part.
In a multibody structure, if a body node is selected, the parent part of the selected body is selected in the CAD or part structure.
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