Shared Teams Table
The Shared Teams table displays when you navigate to the Organizations > Teams page.
The Shared Teams table contains the following:
Views that allow you to change what is presented. For more information, see the section “Views for the Shared Teams Table”.
Icons that provide actions on selected rows in the table. For more information, see the section “Icons for Selected Row Actions”.
Icons for shared team activities. For more information, see the section “Icons for Shared Team Activities”.
The actual rows in the table. Columns in the rows provide details on what is currently set for the shared team (for example, it indicates whether the team is enabled and can be extended locally when it is used in a context team).
Actions for individual rows in the table. For more information, see the section “Actions for Individual Shared Teams”.
For more information about tables, see Using Tables.
Views for the Shared Teams Table
The Shared Teams table information can be displayed differently using the views at the top of the table:
All Shared Teams -- Displays all of the shared teams that have been created in the organization context.
Disabled Teams -- Displays only the shared teams that are currently not available for use.
Enabled Teams -- Displays only the shared teams that are currently available for use.
Extendable Teams -- Displays the shared teams that can be extended by adding local roles and members when the team is used as a context team. Whether a team is extendable is set when the shared team is created, but can be changed by editing the team.
Teams I Manage -- Displays the shared teams of which you are the Shared Team Manager.
Teams I Own -- Displays the shared teams for which you are the owner of the team.
Icons for Selected Row Actions
Before using the following icons, select rows in the Shared Teams table using the checkboxes to the left of each row. To select or clear all rows, click the checkbox to the left of the column titles.
Only participants who can modify the team can use the following icons:
Opens the Export Shared Team window, which allows you to export a shared team
Icons for Shared Team Activities
The following icons that appear at the top of the Shared Teams table allow you perform shared team activities:
Accesses your email client and adds the owners of the shared teams to the To field of your email.
Opens the New Shared Team window, which allows you to create a shared team
Opens the Import Shared Team window, which allows you to import a shared team
Actions for Individual Shared Teams
The following actions are available for individual shared teams from the right-click actions menu of an individual row of the Shared Teams table:
Displays the shared team information page.
Allows you to change the shared team attributes, such as the team name, description, and owner. From the Edit Team window, you can also enable or disable the team and select whether the team can be extended locally.
Allows you to delete the team.
Allows you to make the shared team unavailable for use.
This action is only available for shared teams that are currently enabled.
Allows you to make the shared team available for use.
This action is only available for shared teams that are currently disabled.
Opens the Export Shared Team window that allows you to export the shared team.
Displays a table that lists the application contexts that are currently using the shared team.
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