Setting Attribute Visibility
The Set Attribute Visibility window appears when you click the associate additional reusable attributes and set the visibility icon on the Reusable Attributes table.
By default, users can view and edit reusable attributes on objects. However, further restrictions can be applied to the visibility from the Set Attribute Visibility window using the New Profile and Edit Profile actions. The attributes listed in the Set Attribute Visibility window are from the reusable attribute set.
The reusable attribute set is defined using the Manage Reusable Attributes window of the Type and Attribute Management utility. Reusable attributes can be used by multiple Windchill object types. For more information, see Managing Reusable Attributes.
Use the following steps to associate reusable attributes with a profile and set the visibility:
1. On the Set Attribute Visibility window, select the reusable attributes you want associated with the profile.
2. Click OK to add your selections to the Reusable Attributes table.
3. From the Reusable Attributes table, select the types of constraints you would like applied to the attribute.
The selected constraints will set the visibility by determining how the attribute will display for any participant associated with the profile.
Constraints that are selected for a specific attribute limits the visibility of that attribute. The visibility constraints define how the attributes and their values will display and whether or not they can be edited by the participants associated with the profile.
By default all attributes are editable, unless a constraint is applied. If more than one profile applies constraints to the same attribute, and a participant belongs to both of those profiles, the constraint providing the greatest visibility is honored. For example, if Profile A sets a constraint of Hide Value on Attribute 1, and Profile B sets a constraint of Read Only on that same attribute, then any participant belonging to both Profile A and Profile B will have read only access to that attribute.
The following section defines each constraint that can be applied to a reusable attribute:
Edit Attribute
Displays the specified attribute and value, and allows the participant to edit the attribute value. This is the default behavior.
Hide Attribute
Hides the specified attribute from displaying in the user interface for the participant associated with the profile.
Hide Value
Hides the value of the specified attribute from being displayed for the participant associated with the profile. When creating or editing an object the participant is not allowed to enter a value for the object.
When there is no value to display for the attribute or if the applied attribute has been hidden from the user, Hidden appears in the value field.
Read Only
Displays the specified attribute for the participant associated with the profile, however, the attribute is not editable. The participant is unable to modify the attribute when creating or editing an object or any types that include the attribute.
When using a wizard to create a new object or edit an existing object and there is no value to display, (Unassignable) appears in the value field.
When viewing an object and there is no value to display, the value field next to the name of the attribute appears empty.
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