Managing Standard Profiles
Standard profiles can be created and edited by administrators to define what parts of the user interface (for example, actions, tabs, and attributes) should be visible to a participant. By associating participants with a standard profile, the user interface reflects the settings in the profile for that participant.
Each user or group can be associated with one or more standard profile. The least restrictive settings for visibility are assumed. For example, if a user is associated with two standard profiles where one standard profile hides an action, but another standard profile allows visibility of that action, then the user will see the action. If one standard profile allows read only visibility to an attribute, but another gives full rights to that same attribute, then the user will have full rights to the attribute.
Changes that are made to standard profiles take effect after the user subsequently logs into the system.
For more detailed information about profiles, see Managing Profiles.
Profiles Table
The out-of-the-box standard profiles displayed in the Standard Profiles table reside in the site context and can only be edited by site administrators. For a description of these profiles, see Out-of-the-Box Profiles.
The following table describes the icons displayed at the top of the Standard Profiles table. Click any of these icons to perform the associated action on the selected profile. Select a profile by clicking in the check box adjacent to the profile.
Copies the selected profile for pasting to another context.
Pastes the selected profile to a new context.
Deletes the selected profile.
Exports the selected profile outside the Windchill system. If nothing is selected, all the Standard Profiles are exported.
Creates a new profile using the New Profile wizard.
The following table describes each column in the Standard Profiles table:
Standard profile icon.
Specifies the name defined for the profile.
Provides a brief description of the profile.
Specifies whether the profile is enabled for use or not. When enabled, the profile is searchable.
Specifies the context in which the profile was established.
Last Modified
Displays the most current date there were modifications made to the profile.
View the information page for the profile. The page displays the criteria that was selected when the profile was created.
The following table describes the actions available for each profile in the Actions menu:
Edit the criteria in the profile.
Exports the profile outside the Windchill system.
Saves the profile as another name.
Enable Profile
Specifies whether the profile is enabled for use or not. When enabled, the profile is searchable.
Disable Profile
Disables the profile from use. When the profile is disabled, it is not visible or selectable from any context and all member associations are unaffected.
Delete Profile
Deletes the selected profile.
Edit Attribute Visibility
Edits the reusable attributes and their constraints that are associated with the profile.
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