Out-of-the-Box Profiles
The following table lists the standard profiles provided out-of-the-box and their descriptions:
PTC Windchill Administrator
Provides visibility to administrator actions at organizational level but hides site level actions.
CAD Author
Provides visibility to the Projects, Products, Libraries, and Changes contexts and to the CAD data management functionality, including the Add to Workspace action.
Provides visibility to the Projects, Products, Libraries, and Changes contexts, but hides import and export to excel functionality as well as all authoring functionality across projects, products, and libraries.
Provides visibility to the Projects > Folders page but hides discussions, routings, import and export to excel functionality, and search functionality, including the CAD data management functionality.
Provides visibility to the Projects, Products, Libraries, and Changes contexts, but hides the CAD data management functionality.
Provides visibility to only the Projects context but hides import and export to excel functionality, global search, project search, and home page search as well as all authoring functionality.
Provides visibility to the Products, Libraries, and Changes contexts, but hides the Projects and Programs contexts as well as the CAD data management functionality.
Provides visibility to the Projects, Products, Libraries, Changes, and Suppliers contexts, but hides the CAD data management functionality.
Provides visibility to the Projects context, but hides all other tabs as well as the CAD data management functionality.
Provides visibility to only the Folders, Teams, and Discussions pages in the Projects context, and hides import and export to Excel functionality.
The CAD data management functionality referred to in the out-of-the-box profiles is controlled by the action, View Related CAD Documents in the set action visibility list.
The following table lists the license profiles that are included out-of-the-box. These license profiles provide visibility to the capabilities associated with Windchill licenses, which are defined in PTC marketing materials. License profiles should be extended to users by adding them to the corresponding license group that is a member of the license profile. For more information, see Windchill License Groups
License Profile
PTC Author License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Author License group.
PTC Audit Management License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Audit Management License group.
PTC BOM Transformation License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC BOM Transformation License group.
PTC Contributor License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Contributor License group and the PTC Navigate Contributor - Active Daily User License group.
PTC Design Control License
Provides visibility to license capabilities for the PTC Design Control License group.
PTC EBOM Management License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC EBOM Management License group.
PTC IP Protection License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC IP Protection License group.
PTC Manufacturing License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Manufacturing License group.
PTC Mechanical Design I License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Mechanical Design I License group.
PTC Mechanical Design II License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Mechanical Design II License group.
PTC PartsLink License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC PartsLink License.
PTC Platform Structures License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Platform Structures - Active Daily User License group.
PTC Project Management License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Project Management License group.
PTC Quality License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Quality License group.
PTC Quality Medical Device License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Quality Medical Device License group.
PTC Service Information Manager License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Service Information Manager License.
PTC Service Information Manager Reviewer License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Service Information Manager Reviewer License group.
PTC Service Information Manager Standard License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Service Information Manager Standard License.
PTC Service Parts License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Service Parts License group.
PTC Smart Platforms License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Smart Platforms License group.
PTC Supplier Management License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC Supplier Management License group.
PTC View and Print Only License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the PTC View and Print Only License group and the PTC Navigate View - Active Daily User License group.
PTC Windchill Base License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the Windchill base license group which include,
PTC Author License group
PTC Project Management License group
PTC Windchill Advanced License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the Windchill advanced license group which include,
PTC Author License group
PTC Project Management License group
PTC IP Protection License group
PTC EBOM Management License
PTC Windchill Premium License
Provides visibility to licensed capabilities for the Windchill premium license group which include,
PTC Author License group
PTC Project Management License group
PTC IP Protection License group
PTC EBOM Management License group
PTC BOM Transformation License group
PTC Supplier Management License group
PTC PartsLink License group
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