Plan Calendar
There are several tools that you can use when managing the plan calendar.
Calendar settings are preserved when importing and exporting plans between Windchill and Microsoft Project.
Edit Plan
When you create a project or program, the calendar is set to Standard by default. You can change the calendar type to 24 Hours by editing the plan. For more information, see Edit a Plan.
8 hour workday, Monday through Friday.
24 Hours
Work is set for 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Calendar Management Utility
Site administrators can set up the calendar environment for the system to include nonworking days such as company holiday. For more information, see Calendar Administration.
An administrator can also edit to customize the following calendar settings:
Define non-working days other than Saturday and Sunday.
Allow users to modify their own calendar schedules.
Set the number of working hours per week.
For more information, see Setting Calendar Properties.
If you make changes to the Windchill system calendar that affect a project plan, you must manually refresh the plan to reflect these changes. Navigate to the plan information page and select Actions > Reschedule Plan.
Windchill system calendar changes are not reflected in newly created project plans until you restart the method server or perform the Reschedule Plan action at least once.
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